Venator Founders Fund is a North American long/short equity strategy which strives to capitalize on exceptional investment opportunities. The Fund focuses on business fundamentals with a bottom-up approach in order to identify high growth companies that are undiscovered (or under-appreciated) by the market, as well as out of favour companies trading at low valuations that do not reflect ‘hidden assets’, intermediate business prospects, reversing business trends, or changing managerial philosophies.
Click here for more information on the Fund
PLEASE NOTE: Venator Investment Trust is the RSP eligible version of Venator Founders Fund.

Venator Investment Trust is structured as a ‘Fund of Funds’ and serves as the RSP eligible vehicle for Venator Founders Fund. The low level of portfolio exposure to financial & resource companies makes Venator Investment Trust an excellent diversification vehicle for Canadian investors.
The Fund is available to ‘accredited’ investors; is eligible to be held in both registered & non-registered accounts, and carries a low initial investment amount of $25,000. As such, it’s a great way for accredited investors to participate in the Founders Fund strategy.
Click here for more information on the Fund

Venator Income Fund is a long-bias North American yield strategy that strives to generate a 5%-10% annualized return over time, with relatively low volatility. The Fund will invest primarily in North American-listed securities that generate income such as short duration corporate bonds, dividend equities, and convertible bonds. The Fund seeks to invest in quality businesses that can provide stable cash flows, while at the same time offering modest capital appreciation.
Click here for more information on the Fund

Venator Select Fund is a ‘best ideas’ strategy that strives to generate superior returns through concentrated investments in a small number of opportunities. The Fund can take both long & short investment positions in equity, debt, and derivative securities; as well as strategic trading in special situations.
Given the concentrated nature of the strategy, Venator Select Fund is appropriate for an investor with a long-term time horizon, and a high risk tolerance level.
Click here for more information on the Fund
PLEASE NOTE: The Fund is not available through FundSERV, and is not eligible for registered accounts.